Je regroupe ici tous les «microservices» API que je fais.
Vous pouvez les utiliser ou les installer sur vos propres serveurs (c'est libre et gratuit).
Pour tout renseignement, vous pouvez me contacter.
- Renvoie un message de balle magique (message seul ou image)
- pic : si présent, renvoie l'image départ (sans texte)
- text : si présent, renvoie le message sous forme de texte seul
- howto: use get vars to generate an avatar (once generated, it'll be saved in avatars/ folder)
- ?str=[string] (required)
- ?sz= [integer] avatar's size (opt.)
- ?c1= [string] avatar's color (opt.)
- ?c2= [string] avatar's background color (opt.)
- ?style=dot (opt.) square by default
- howto: use get vars to generate an avatar compositing various layers(once generated, it'll be saved in avatars/ folder)
- ?str=[string] (required)
- ?sz= [integer] avatar's size (opt.)
- howto: use get vars to generate a lettrine avatar (once generated, it'll be saved in avatars/ folder)
- ?str=[string] (required)
- ?sz= [integer] avatar's size (opt.) défault:128
- ?color= [string] avatar's back color (opt.)
- dontsave: avoid saving avatar as a file
- force: force avatar's regen
- Encode / decode base64 data. Can be used as API
- encode : text to encode
- decode : data to decode
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the php api file
Can also be used with frondend: paste your data and click on encode or decode (the result goes into the clipboard)
- Generate a badge with text, colors and icon (from iconeleon)
- txt : badge's text. If you want several parts, separate each part's text with a |
- color: badge's color. If you want several parts, separate each part's color with a |
- icon: badge's icon. If you want several parts, separate each part's icon with a |. The icon is from iconeleon: you can specify the URL or just the complete icon name.
- txtcolor: badge's color for the text. If you want several parts, separate each part's text color with a | (if not specified, it'll be white or black to maitain better contrast)
- version: displays this api's version
- force: force the rendering even if the picture already exists (previous rendering)
- download: downloads the php api file Example:|MADE% IT WITH|and PHP&backcolor=904|pink|purple&fontsize=64&txtcolor=rgba(250,200,120,0.5)|purple|pink&icon=heart-filled.svg|heart-filled.svg|fontawesome_brands/php.svg
- Create an image with a citation text
- t : text (you can use \n for new line) [ex: t=frist line\nsecond line]
- c : text colour in FFFFFF format (shadow text color is automatically set to black or white for readability)
- i : background image
- f : font used
- fs: fontsize in pixels
- dontsave: avoid saving rendered picture
- force: force the rendering even if the picture already exists (previous rendering)
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- imageslist: returns background images list in json format
picslist: returns the rendered images list in json format
- &random[=xx]: limit the list getting only xx rendered pictures
- fontslist: returns available fonts list in json format
- download: downloads the php api file
- Get a local copy of a distant ressource just adding this api URL to the distant url to avoid data leak to distant servers & vanishing ressources.
- url : image's URL
- force: force the rendering even if the picture already exists (previous rendering)
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the php api file Examples:
- use a distant picture in your blog : <img src=""/> -> <img src=""/>
- link & save a distant file in a link : <a href=""> Link to distant file</a> -> <a href=""> Link to distant file</a>
- use a distant script from a CDN RGPD friendly : <script src=""></script> -> <script src=""></script>
- Find RSS or Atmo feed from an URL. Can retreive RSS feed from youtube channel, dalymotion channel, vimeo channel, tumblr, reddit.
- url: the website URL
- api: if present, only returns the feed's URL in JSON format
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the API zip
- Créer un groupe de flashcards en une URL
- mots: Mot un:solution un,Mot deux:solution deux,...
- [titre]: le titre de la page de flashards générée
- Generate json data for your apps
- user: return a user
- users[=xx]: return xx users (10 by default)
- comment: return a comment
- comments[=xx]: return xx comments (10 by default)
- lorem[=xx]: return a number of sentences (10 by default)
- email: return an email adress
- emails[=xx]: return an array of email adresses (10 by default)
- name: return an name
- names[=xx]: return an array of names (10 by default)
- phone: return an phone
- phones[=xx]: return an array of phones (10 by default)
- id: return an id
- ids[=xx]: return an array of ids (10 by default)
- pic: return a profile picture url
- pics[=xx]: return an array of profile picture urls (10 by default)
- adress: return a complete adress (street number city zip code country)
- adresses[=xx]: return an array of adresses (10 by default)
- number[=xx]: return a random numbers (xx is limit, 10000 by default)
- numbers[=xx] & nb[=xx]: return an array of random numbers (xx is limit
- date: return a random date between ten years ago and now
- dates[=xx]: return an array of random date between ten years ago and now (10 by default)
- array=keys:values:number : create an associative array using the given format
- dates:numbers:100 => array[random_date]=random_number * 100
- names:phones:100 => array[random_name]=random_phone * 100
- dates:users:100 => array[random_name]=random_user_array * 100
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the API zip
- /user: return a user
- /users/xx: return xx users (10 by default)
- /comment: return a comment
- /comments/xx: return xx comments (10 by default)
- /lorem/xx: return a number of sentences (10 by default)
- /email: return an email adress
- /emails/xx: return an array of email adresses (10 by default)
- /name: return an name
- /names/xx: return an array of names (10 by default)
- /phone: return an phone
- /phones/xx: return an array of phones (10 by default)
- /id: return an id
- /ids/xx: return an array of ids (10 by default)
- /pic: return a profile picture url
- /pics/xx: return an array of profile picture urls (10 by default)
- /adress: return a complete adress (street number city zip code country)
- /adresses/xx: return an array of adresses (10 by default)
- /number/xx: return a random numbers (xx is limit, 10000 by default)
- /numbers/[limit]/[xx]: return an array of random numbers (xx is number)
- /date: return a random date between ten years ago and now
- /dates/xx:: return an array of random date between ten years ago and now (10 by default)
- /array/[KEY]/[VALUE]/[NB] : get an array with asked data. Example: /array/id/post/50 or /array/phone/name/20
Documention GET vars
Use as REST
- Generate svg graphs json data...
This script uses phpGraph.php from my friend JerryWham
- data: array of data (sequential or associative)
- w,h: width and height (opt.)
- color: graph's color in FFFFFF format only (opt.)
- lines: set type of graph to line (default type is bars)
- filled: set type of graph to filled area (default type is bars)
- steps: the steps in the ordinate (by default, it will be calculated)
- title: the graphic's title (opt.)
- hidekeys: when there's too much data, the bottom text (the keys) can result ugly; hide the keys with this option
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the API zip
- Compteur de visite de page
- url : si présent, incrémente le compteur de l'url en question, sinon, tente de faire de même avec le referer
- get : si présent, renvoie le compteur actuel de [url].
- counterpic : si présent, renvoie le compteur actuel de [url] sous forme d'image svg.
- back: couleur de fond au format FFF
- color: couleur de police au format FFF
- size: taille de la police
- reset : si présent, remet à zéro le compteur de [url].
Pour incrémenter le compteur de la page, on peut avoir recours à une balise img: <img src=""> (l'image renvoyée sera un pixel transparent.)
- Easily use svg icons with custom colours in your webapps.
- i: icon name (or first icon containing the string)
- c: color in html/css format (FFFFFF, rgba(xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx), blue etc.)
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- iconlist: returns icons list in json format
- search=[string]: returns a list of the icons containing the string in json format
- download: downloads the php api file
- 10/03/22: added copy buttons
- Create an meme with a picture url and a text
- t : text (you can use \n for new line) [ex: t=frist line\nsecond line]
- i : image's URL
- w : meme's width (800px by default)
- white : if specified, sets background color to white and text color to black
- bookmarklet: get the bookmarklet
- dontsave: avoid saving rendered picture
- force: force the rendering even if the picture already exists (previous rendering)
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the php api file
picslist: returns the rendered images list in json format
- &random[=xx]: limit the list getting only xx rendered pictures
- Renvoie le fichier fourni en version minifiée.
- file : l'url du fichier
- Create an mocking spongebob meme with a text
- t : text (you can use \n for new line) [ex: t=frist line\nsecond line]
- bookmarklet: get the bookmarklet
- dontsave: avoid saving rendered picture
- force: force the rendering even if the picture already exists (previous rendering)
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the php api file
picslist: returns the rendered images list in json format
- &random[=xx]: limit the list getting only xx rendered pictures
- Créer une grille simple de mots-mélés (sens horizontal ou vertical)
- mots : liste de mots séparés par une virgule
- Optimize images passing its URL: you can automatically optimize pics using src=""
If the picture has already been optimized, optipic will send it instead of optimising again.
- i : image's URL
- format [opt.] : image's format
- maxwidth [opt.] : image's maximum width
- quality [opt.] : image's quality
- script : a scripts/ php file with presets
$params=[ 'format' =>'jpg', 'quality' =>70, 'maxwidth' =>null ];
- dontsave: avoid saving rendered picture
- force: force the rendering even if the picture already exists (previous rendering)
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
picslist: returns the rendered images list in json format
- &random[=xx]: limit the list getting only xx rendered pictures
- download: downloads the php api file
- Pings an URL to get it's status / header info
- ?URL : get the status and returns a status header. ex:pingURL/?
- ?infos=URL : get the header data in JSON format. ex:pingURL/?infos=
- ?help: displays this text
- ?version: displays this api's version
- ?download: downloads the php api file
- Create placeholder image
- w,h : width & height
- c : colour in html format (FFF or FFFFFF) [opt] if not specified, color is random
- t : text [opt]
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the php api file
- REST direct use :
- returns a qrcode png image
- txt: the qrcode content
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the php api file
- this: returns a qrcode of the referer url
- example:
- uses:
- Apply scripted modifications on an online image
- i : image's URL
- script : an object in json format. It contains the action as key and the parameters as value.
- [{"grey":""}] : filter grayscale
- [{"pixel":(size,blur])}] : filter pixelate
- [{"emboss":""}] : filter emboss
- [{"edges":""}] : filter edgedetect
- [{"negative":""}] : filter negate
- [{"sketch":""}] : filter mean removal
- [{"gaussian":""}] : filter gaussian blur
- [{"brightness":amount}] : filter brightness
- [{"contrast":amount}] : filter contrast
- [{"colorize":[FF0000,1-127]}] : filter colorize [color,alpha]
- [{"crop":[x,y,w,h]}] : crop image (dimensions in pixels or in %)
- [{"resize":[w,h]}] : resize image. if you put -1 instead of one dimension,it resizes with aspect ratio. {"resize":[256,-1]} calculates the new height
- [{"rotate":angle}] : rotate image
- script can also be a json file in scripts/ folder
- create a file with your script (ex: {"resize":[w,h],"colorize":["FF0000",1],"rotate":90})
- name your file: myscript.json
- apply it to a picture with ?i= (without the json extension)
- dontsave: avoid saving rendered picture
- force: force the rendering even if the picture already exists (previous rendering)
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
picslist: returns the rendered images list in json format
- &random[=xx]: limit the list getting only xx rendered pictures
- download: downloads the php api file
- returns stamped image
- i: the image's url
- pos : top|bottom: [opt] put the stamp on the top or the bottom. By default, the stamp will be centered both vertically and horizontally
- url: the image's url
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the php api file
- Create an image with a text (textonly no background picture)
- t : text (you can use \n for new line) [ex: t=frist line\nsecond line]
- c : text colour in FFFFFF format (shadow text color is automatically set to black or white for readability)
- f : font used
- fs: fontsize in pixels
- vertical: rotate picture to print it as a banner (in thermic little printers ^^)
- dontsave: avoid saving rendered picture
- force: force the rendering even if the picture already exists (previous rendering)
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
picslist: returns the rendered images list in json format
- &random[=xx]: limit the list getting only xx rendered pictures
- fontslist: returns available fonts list in json format
- download: downloads the php api file
- Generate and return square thumbnails
- &pic=url or path to the pic
- &s=size: (default 256)
- &download: download the api script
- &help: display this help
- Get the RSS feed from a youtube user channel.
- url: the channel's URL
- help: displays this text
- version: displays this api's version
- download: downloads the php api file